A sweet kick-starter to BackEnd API Development using NodeJS, ExpressJS and MongoDB — Part 1
Hi friends, I am Yashvardhan Kukreja and I am a Full Stack Android Developer. I love to learn things and teach them. Around one year ago, I started Back End API development in NodeJS and I loved it and its impact in the world because behind every great application, there is a darn great Back End. I have planned to create a series for you which will give you a good kickstart to learn this amazing field in an easy manner.
So, I am writing this article (with some memes :P) for you to understand the basics of NodeJS with ExpressJS and MongoDB as good as possible.
I will try my best to explain the concepts and terms getting used here as descriptively as possible but still there might be some terms or concepts which you may not understand or relate to.
So, I highly recommend you to give a read to my article, Internet — Behind the scenes. It will take hardly 10 minutes to give it a read and understand. But I am darn sure that after reading it, you will surely understand the terminologies, concepts and many fundamentals related to internet and networking which will make the understanding of the back end way freaking easier.
In this part of the series, we will learn to do the following things:
- Setting up a basic NodeJS server.
- Connecting MongoDB with our server.
- Concepts related to the functioning behind database connection and server listening.
- Creating a basic route and understanding the functioning behind it.
Let’s get started
Install MongoDB and NodeJS in your PC (Very easy! Google will help you there :) )
Create the project folder. Here, I am creating project folder with the name “first_proj”
mkdir first_proj
Now, go inside that folder
cd first_proj
Now, initialise the basic node files by running the command
npm init
This command will create multiple folders and files in the main directory. But the package.json is the most important one. It contains all the details of the project you are working, like the name, author, dependencies getting used, etc. We will have a look at it just in a while.
Now, Let’s install some basic dependencies so as to start with setting up the most basic functionalities of the back end app.
npm install --save mongoose express
Woah!!! Seems like a big command. Let’s break it down.
- npm — it calls the node package manager
- install — it indicates that something needs to be installed (dependencies in this case)
- --save — by typing this, package.json will automatically update itself after the dependencies are installed. It is must for package.json to be updated whenever a new dependency is/dependencies are installed.
- mongoose — this is the dependency which will help us link with MongoDB.
- express — this is the dependency which will be used create every route, link any dependency with the server, start the server. Basically, without it, nothing can be done.
Now, after this command is successfully executed, a folder named node_modules will be created. This folder will contain all the downloaded and installed dependencies. Don’t worry, you don’t need care about it all while coding.
So now, let’s have a look at the “package.json” file.
Let me explain each and every term here:
- name — name of your project
- version — current version of your project
- description — description of the project
- scripts — Set of scripts to be executed on deployment (I’ ll explain this deeply later on)
- author — Author of the project (People usually keep their github username but you can keep your name as well)
- dependencies — *The most important part of this file*. It contains the list of dependencies which are installed in the project. I’ll explain it’s significance further in the series.
Ready, Set, Let’s CODE…
From here on, we will begin the coding part of our BackEnd app.
So, first of all, create a file named “index.js”.
This file is going to be the main file which after execution will connect to the database and start the server and make it functional and useful.
So, first of all, let’s declare some dependencies.
const express = require('express');
const mongoose = require('mongoose');const app = express();
For using the functionalities of the dependencies, we declare them first and then store them in a variable. Using those variables, we access the respective functionalities.
Here, the variable app corresponds to express() object which will be used to execute the functionalities of express dependency. It is going to be used for creating every route (functionality) in the backend and making it efficiently functional.
So, now, let’s declare the port number on which our server will run.
Analogy for ease :)
Let me explain the concept of port number with a decent analogy.
Consider, you want to contact a faculty named “Ramesh” in a college. So, what you’re going to do is that you’re going to call the college on their contact number. Then, on the call, you’ll tell the receptionist that you want to talk to Ramesh sir. So, the receptionist will forward your call to the intercom number of Ramesh sir. And then, you will be able to talk to him.
In this analogy => college’s contact number === IP address
=> intercom number of Ramesh sir === Port number
In computers, a similar kind of thing happen, Server has an IP address and under that IP address, a lot of ports are there. These backend applications run on one of these ports. So, we run our applications on one of these ports.
const port = process.env.PORT || 8000;
// You can keep a different port number like, 8080 or 3000 or 8008 etc..
Here, the server will run on a port which is declared in the environment variables of server. And if it is not declared, then it will run on port number 8000.
Don’t worry regarding the environment variables thing for now. I’ll explain it later in the series where I will explain server deployment on cloud.
For now, assume the port number to be 8000. This means that whenever you run this backend application, it will run on port number 8000.
Database… Coz anything without data is boring
Now, let’s declare the database to which our server will connect and save users and stuff.
const db_link = "mongodb://localhost:27017/first_db";
Don’t freak out seeing this link XD. It’s very basic. It basically leads to a database named “first_db” on your computer.
Here, localhost means that the database we’re creating is on our computer only. And 27017 is the default port number on which mongoDB run on a machine.
Don’t worry about this, “mongodb://localhost:27017/” remains same always. Only the name of database varies in different projects.
For example, if I want to create and use a database in my computer named “aloha”, then I’ll declare, db_link = “mongodb://localhost:27017/aloha”
Now, let’s connect to this database using mongoose
mongoose.connect(db_link, function (err) { if (err)
console.error("Error occurred while connecting to DB!");
console.log("Database connection established successfully");});
Okay, I’ll explain this line by line.
“mongoose.connect” makes our backend application connect to the database corresponding to the variable “db_link”. Now, this function also returns with a callback function whose first argument is “err” which corresponds to the error which might come up on connecting to database.
So, what this means is, that if there comes an error connecting to database due to any reason, then this argument “err” will contain the details of that error.
But if database connects successfully without any error, then this argument “err” will have a null value which basically means no error.
So, in the next lines, I have defined these conditions of error/no error only.
- console.log() is used for printing in the console.
- console.error( ) does the same thing but here, the printed stuff in the console is red colored corresponding to error.
Usually, errors are logged using console.error() .
Routing — The heart of BackEnd…. or may be the brain, Idk :P
Let’s create a GET route for homepage of our backend application :)
app.get('/homepage', function(req, res) { res.send("Hello, World! Welcome to kickstarter for backend API development ");});
Cool, let’s get into the explanation of this snippet.
First of all, I will explain the terms used here:
- get — Means that this function will get executed using GET request type. We can execute GET using the itself easily. Whenever, you enter anything in the search bar of the browser and press Enter, a GET request gets executed
- ‘/homepage’ — Means that this snippet will run on the URL, “http://localhost:8000/homepage”.
- req — It corresponds to anything coming as a part of request. For example, in the case of a login, the request type is POST. And the email and password we enter and submit becomes the part of request body. It’s like we are requesting the server with our email and password, and it responds us on the basis of the request body we provided.
- res — It corresponds to the response.
Analogy for ease :)
Okay, so here, I think I should use a simple analogy to explain the functioning of these terms.
So, generally while programming, we create function this way
- We declare the name of function
- We specify which arguments are going to be entered in it
- We enter the main logic
- And finally, we return the output of the function.
So, here, the input/arguments are request type, request body most of which is fetched using the variable req. The main logic is entered accordingly.
And the output returned is through the res.
So, in a nutshell, this snippet will do the following
—On running the url “http://localhost:8000/homepage” will show you “Hello, World! Welcome to kickstarter for backend API development” in the browser.
I understand that many things might be going over your head right now, but again I’d highly recommend you to give to my article Internet Behind the Scenes to deeply understand what’s happening here and what does each of the terms here mean exactly.
Running the server — Making our code come to life
app.listen(port, function() { console.log(`App running successfully on port number ${port}...`);});
This snippet will run our server on the port number which we declared before.
Now, for running our code, you have to make somethings sure:
- Install MongoDB and NodeJS in your PC.
- For running the application, open up your terminal and type and enter “mongod”— This will launch MongoDB installed in your system at port number 27017 for upcoming connections.
- Now, minimise this terminal because for now, you won’t need it for anything.
- Now, go into your project directory (if you aren’t in it), open up another terminal there and type and enter “node index.js”
Let me show you the screenshot of the final code and its output
Here, you might notice something different. The way I have coded callback functions. I have followed ECMA Script 6 for coding the functions.
So, both of the below snippets are same
function(argument) { console.log("Aloha World");}
ECMA Script 6 manner
(argument) => {console.log("Aloha World");}
ECMA Script provide a lot convenience while coding functions, so, I’ll prefer you to give a look at it. It’s super easy to understand.
Final Note
Congratulations on creating and running a NodeJS server with Database connectivity !!!
In the next part, we will learn to how to create a basic application in which we will create DB models using mongoose and writing POST route for signing up users just like the way, we sign up for an account in real life.
I’ll be writing and posting further parts of this series as well. Stay tuned for them!
Thanks a lot for reading my article. If you liked my article, do give a clap :D
I hope this article was well descriptive still whenever you face any doubt or problem related to this article (or even life XD), I’d love to resolve it. Just drop me a mail :D
E-mail — yash.kukreja.98@gmail.com
Github — https://github.com/yashvardhan-kukreja
LinkedIn — https://www.linkedin.com/in/yashvardhan-kukreja-607b24142/